Saturday, December 29, 2012

Appsfire’s Apple Store Infographic (2012)

Friday, December 28, 2012

Crime Against Women (India / World)


Note: Click on the images to view the full-size one

Crimes Against Women (Year 2011/ India)



Top 10 States By Crime (Year 2011 / India)



Crimes Figures At A Glance (Year 2011 / India)

Incidence Of Cognizable Crimes (IPC) Under Different Crime Heads During 1953 To 2011


Little Closer Look At Crime Against Women During 2007-2011 (India)

Incident & Rate Of Crime Against Women Percentage Change From 1997-2007

Incident & Rate Of Crime Against Women Percentage Change From 2001-2011

Incidence Of Crime Against Women During 2011 (All India 228650)

Rate Of Crime Against Women During 2011 (All India 18.9)

Murder, Rape & Kidnap Over The Year (1953-2007)

** This data would be more useful if used in conjunction with over all population growth and then percentage, but unfortunately I don’t have the source of this image.

Finally, World Sexual Assault Stats (Not All Countries, Based on UN Data)

** I was surprised to see the next chart, I just can’t believe US numbers (80-90K).. but one should note that the number of cases are decreasing (slowly but are) where as in case of India they are increasing every year.

Some More Statistics (USA), Very Similar to What Can Be Seen In India’s Numbers

Victims Statistics

Frequency of Sexual Assault Statistics

Reporting Statistics

Rapists Statistics


Sources (Mostly the data is from National Crime Records Bureau, Ministry Of Home Affairs, India):
1. NCRB (Data From 2007-2011)
3. United Nations
4. UN Office Of Drugs & Crime
5. Wiki Crime In India
6. Time Of India
7. NCRB Data From 1953-2011 (PDF)

Monday, December 17, 2012

What Lying Actually Does to Your Brain and Body Every Day


Click here to read What Lying Actually Does to Your Brain and Body Every Day

Each day, we make the same choice hundreds of times: whether to lie or tell the truth. It often happens without thinking, and we ignore the profound impact of these seemingly inconsequential decisions. Even the smallest lies can cost you money, impact your relationships, and affect your choices. Conversely, honesty offers many surprising psychological benefits. Here's how truth and lies affect your brain and your life every day.

Little Lies Can Cost You Money

What Lying Actually Does to Your Brain and Body Every DayYou're out at a restaurant and your server comes by to ask you how you like your food. You say everything's great. The food is okay, but you don't want to be rude so you lie. It may not seem like a big deal, but when the check comes you'll be overly generous with your tip. This is one example of how white lies actually affect your behavior. Psychologist Guy Winch, writing for Psychology Today, explains:

[Researches Argo and Shiv] found that 85% of diners in restaurants admitted to telling white lies when their dining experiences were unsatisfactory (i.e., claiming all was well when it wasn't). However the real interesting finding was that diners who told white lies to cover up their dissatisfactions were then likely to leave bigger tips than those who did not. Why would diners who were less satisfied with their meals and who lied to their server about it leave an even bigger tip as a result? The researchers propose that cognitive dissonance was at play.

Conigitive dissonance describes the discomfort you feel when holding two (or more) conflicting thoughts, and it shows up a lot when you lie. In another study by Argo and Shiv, University students received a short list of words with which to form sentences. Some participants received lists containing basic words that had no real meaning behind them, but others received lists of words related to honesty. Then, the research assistant purposefully left the participants in the room with nothing to do for about 12 minutes just to annoy them. Upon returning, she asked some students how they felt. Most said "fine," which was obviously a lie because they were clearly annoyed.

After this initial test, the researchers invited the participants to a second study with a raffle prize of $100. They also asked the participants if they'd like to donate a portion of their winnings back to the study. Anyone primed to think about honesty and told a white lie in the first experiment offered up more than half their money (on average). Everyone else opted to donate about one third of their potential raffle winnings. Again, cognitive dissonance reared its head when the conflict of lying came to mind.

We ignore white lies because they seem harmless. They rarely resurface in conversation, but while their future effects are subtle they do exist in profound ways. As a result, it's necessary to look at the long term effects of our actions even when the consequences seem benign or even non-existent.

Lies Tax Your Brain, Cause Stress, and Harm Your Body

What Lying Actually Does to Your Brain and Body Every DayLying requires a lot of effort. When you tell the truth, you simply remember what happens. When you lie you have to consider what you're trying to hide, figure out a believable version of the opposite, give a convincing performance to sell that lie, and then remember it for the rest of eternity so you never get caught. Even if you're pretending to love your grandmother's disgusting fruitcake, that's a lot of pressure. Furthermore, it builds and builds every time you lie. (And you all do, even if you don't think so.) According to deception expert Pamela Meyer, the average person lies three times within the first minute of meeting a stranger and between 10 and 200 times per day. We handle this constant lying well considering how remarkably often it occurs, but that's especially easy to do when we have an easy time ignoring the consequences.

Lies, just like many other things, cause stress and anxiety. If you need proof, consider the polygraph machine (what's come to be known as the "lie detector"). They don't actually detect lies, specifically, but rather the signs of stress that accompany telling them. While stress isn't a definitive indicator of lying, it's often a good clue. Author David Ropeik points to a study that found additional evidence:

Anita Kelly and LiJuan Wang of Notre Dame recruited a group of 110 people from 18 to 71 years old, and told them that once a week for ten weeks they'd have to come in and, in a lie detector machine, report how many times in the previous week they had lied. But the group was divided in half. 55 of them got explicit instructions in how to avoid lying. (They could avoid telling the truth, or not answer, just not out and out confabulate.) The other group got no instructions, just the request to come in once a week and tell the truth about how many times they had lied last week.

Everybody lied less. But the group that had gotten advice on how to avoid lying reduced their fabrications far more. And in questionnaires, those who had lied less reported better mental and physical health. They reported improvements in their relationships, less trouble sleeping, less tension, fewer headaches, and fewer sore throats.

You probably know thatstress harms your brain and body in several horrible ways. Since lying contributes to your stress level and you do it many, many times per day, you need to consider the impact of your secrets. The harm isn't self-evident, but it readily exists in the numerous health issues you encounter in your daily life.

Sometimes Honesty Is Not Always the Best Policy

What Lying Actually Does to Your Brain and Body Every DayLife has no paradigms. Lying cause stress and other awful problems, but it's useful and even necessary at certain times. When lying assures your safety or honesty puts you in danger, you probably shouldn't choose the truth. Exceptions always exist, and regardless of our intentions we're not going become model truthtellers no matter how comfortable we feel. Generally speaking, honesty provides far more mental and physical health benefits than dishonesty. Nevertheless, we're complicated creatures. We make complicated decisions every day. We'll find reasons to lie that are necessary, but we'll naturally find more that aren't. Watch out for instances when you lie out of politeness and to preserve your own self-esteem. Think about the long-term effects and not how the lie will protect you, or someone else, in a particular moment. You can't always tell the truth, but the more you do the happier your brain and body will be.

Images by lineartestpilot (Shutterstock), OK-SANA (Shutterstock), Thirteen-Fifty (Shutterstock), Oxley, and Yes Royalty Free (Shutterstock).

via LifeHacker Adam Dachis

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Apple's Thermonuclear Patent War Is A Farce

The news: The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has declared a huge Apple multi-touch-screen patent - the so-called "Steve Jobs patent" - to be invalid. As CNET adds, this is the second Apple patent to get a smackdown. The previous one was about Apple's "rubber band" effect. Neither ruling is final, but still.

The best analysis: Groklaw, which has been doing amazing coverage of Apple's legal war, writes: "If you want to know why people now hate Apple for its legal swashbuckling, this is Exhibit A."

The conclusion: This whole notion of Steve Jobs launching his "thermonuclear war" on Android is a farce. A sham. A joke. It has been from the start.

Apple Keeps Failing

Apple's claims have been knocked down all over the world. In England a court was so appalled by Apple's claims that it ordered Apple to run ads explaining that Samsung had not, in fact, copied Apple.

Apple appealed, and lost, so the public shaming went forward. Apple brazenly snubbed its nose at the court by creating an ad that taunted Samsung even more. So the court made Apple do it again, and get it right this time.

Yes, Apple won a big case in California. But that too could unravel since the jury appears to have made numerous mistakes. Samsung wants the verdict set aside. The judge is now urging Apple and Samsung to make peace.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

SAP NetWeaver Discontinues Dual Stack


SAP NetWeaver discontinues Dual Stack deployments as of release 7.4. The document provides the technical background and shows options how to split dual stack.

View this Document or SAP NetWeaver Discontinues Dual Stack

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Quotes from Gandhi!

01 First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.

02 The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

03 Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

04 A 'No' uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a 'Yes' merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.

05 A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave.

06 A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.

07 A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.

08 Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.

09 An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.

10 An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.

Monday, November 12, 2012

How to Minimize Distraction to Get Things Done

1. Learn to anticipate yourself.

2. Send out busy signals.

3. Make technology work for you, not against you.

4. Ask for a more flexible schedule.

5. Stop being so darn accommodating.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Windows 8 Free eBook

Directly download from Microsoft site

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

How To: Setup SSO Using SAP Secure Login Library and Kerberos


Secure Login Library is one of the component SAP NetWeaver Single Sign-On product from SAP. Secure Login provides strong encryption, secure communication, and single sign-on between a wide variety of SAP components.

Secure Login allows you to benefit from the advantages of SNC (Secure Network Communications) without the need to setup a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and which in turn can also pass calls through the Secure Login Library to encrypt all communication between the SAP GUI and SAP Server, thus providing secure single sign-on to SAP..

Secure Login allows users to authenticate via one of the following authentication mechanisms:

  1. Windows Domain (Active Directory Server)
  2. RADIUS Server
  3. LDAP Server
  4. SAP NetWeaver Server
  5. Smartcard Authentication

It also provides single sign-on for web browser access to the SAP Portal (and other HTTPS-enabled Web applications) via SSL.

Three Main Components:

Secure Login Server
Secure Login Library
Secure Login Client

10-24-2012 10-49-27 AM


As of Sept 2012 Secure Library Supported Platforms:

Windows Server 2003 x64 64Bit
Windows Server 2008 x64 64Bit
Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 64Bit
AIX 5.2, 5.3, 6.1, 7.1 Power 64Bit
HP-UX 11.11, 11.23, 11.31 PA-RISC 64Bit
HP-UX 11.23, 11.31 IA64 64Bit
Solaris 9, 10 SPARC 64Bit
Solaris 10 x64 64Bit
Linux SLES 9, 10, 11 IA64 64Bit
Linux SLES 9, 10, 11 x86_64Bit
Linux SLES 9, 10, 11 Power 64Bit
Linux RHEL 4, 5, 6 IA64 64Bit
Linux RHEL 4, 5, 6 x86_64Bit
Linux RHEL 4, 5, 6 Power 64Bit
OSF1 5.1 Alpha 64Bit
Mac OS X 10.5 Universal 96 (32Bit / 64 Bit)


High Level Summary of the Tasks Required:

  1. Install Secure Login Library SAP AS ABAP/Java
  2. Secure Login Library Configuration (multiple options, choose per your requirement/landscape)
    1. SNC X.509 Certificate
    2. SNC Kerberos
  3. Install (or bundle with SAPGUI install) Secure Login Client for the end-users.

For detailed step-by-step instructions, please refer to SAP NetWeaver SSO Configuration Guide.

References/SAP Notes:

SAP NetWeaver SSO Configuration Guide
SAP Note: Microsoft Windows Single Sign-On options

Secure Configuration of SAP NetWeaver Application Server Using ABAP
Single Sign-On between SAP Portal and SuccessFactors

Provides general information before you start the implementation Video 1/5
Installation and configuration of Secure Login Server Video 2/5
Installation and configuration of Secure Login Client Video 3/5
Installation and configuration of Secure Login Library Video 4/5
Configuration of user mapping information in SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP and Java systems Video 5/5

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

India,The SPAM King!!




Spam Dirty Dozen


Online threats

Cybercriminals constantly launch attacks designed to penetrate your digital defenses and steal sensitive data. And almost no online portal is immune to threat or harm.

Web Threats

(Credit: Sophos Labs & cnet)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Clean and Elegant Email Client (Microsoft Outlook)

Outlook home 

Microsoft Outlook is a preview of a free, modern email service from Microsoft. It has a familiar name and a fresh, modern design. makes your email richer by connecting to Facebook and Twitter and helps you be productive with Office and SkyDrive. Because email is personal, Outlook also helps keep you in control of your private data.

Love Dashlane ?? New Service (Securely send your data via Dashlane Courier)

Dashlane simplifies the secure sharing of your sensitive data!!
Securely share web account passwords and important notes

Avoid sending sensitive data in plain-text form with Dashlane Courier. Share your data securely with Dashlane users and non-users alike.

All data you send is ciphered with AES-256 and deciphered locally when opened by the recipient, using a unique decryption key.

Rest assured that the data self-destructs after viewing

After clicking to view the shared data, your recipient only has 30 minutes to view or save the content before it self-destructs. The encrypted data will also be deleted from Dashlane's servers.


 Get Dashlane for Free (Available for Windows, Mac OS X, iPhone and Android)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Email Client Market Share Apr vs Sep 2012

Email Client Market Share (April 2012)

  • iPhone: 20%
  • Outlook: 18%
  • Yahoo: 13%
  • Apple Mail: 9%
  • Hotmail: 8%
  • Apple iPad: 8%
  • Android: 7%
  • Gmail: 5%
  • Web Version: 5%
  • Windows Live Mail: 3%

Email Client Market Share (September 2012)

  • iPhone: 21%
  • Outlook: 18%
  • Apple iPad: 10%
  • Apple Mail: 9%
  • Hotmail: 9%
  • Yahoo: 8%
  • Android: 7%
  • Gmail: 4%
  • Windows Live Mail: 3%
  • Yahoo Mail Classic: 2%

Friday, October 5, 2012

How to Remove the FBI Malware/Virus From Your PC


Security Windows

Have you recently started up your Windows PC and been presented with an “FBI Screen” that just won’t go away? It means you’re infected with the FBI Moneypak Virus/Malware, and following the steps below, you can remove it.

Here are a couple of example screenshots of what the FBI Moneypak malware may look like (there are a number of different “versions”).

a fake fbi virus screenshot example

second fake fbi virus screenshot example

Now lets get rid of it.

  1. Power off your PC. Then, turn it back on again while tapping the F8 key on your keyboard. This will bring you into Windows “Advanced Mode Options Menu”. From here, use the down arrow on your keyboard to navigate to Safe Mode with Networking and then hit enter.

  2. Windows will start up a bit differently than usual, and you’ll be presented with a Desktop that will say Safe Mode along the borders of your screen.

  3. Open your favorite Web Browser and then visit the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free download page. Download the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free Edition – if you’re prompted to Run the Application, select Run or Yes. Otherwise, locate the file once the download has completed and double-click it to start the installation.

  4. The installation process is very straight forward. When you reach the final screen, make sure that both Update Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and Launch Malwarebytes Anti-Malware are selected. Then click the Finish button.

    click to enlarge

  5. At this point Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will launch and start the update procedure by itself. If you’re prompted to restart the program after the update has completed, do so. Otherwise…

  6. Select the Perform full scan option and click the Scan button.

    click to enlarge

  7. Select the Drives you wish to scan. You do not need to select your CD/DVD drive if there isn’t a disc in it (nor do you need to select it if there’s a DVD movie or audio CD etc in it). Click Scan to begin.

  8. Sit back and wait. The length of time it takes to scan your drive(s) depends on a number of factors (drive speed and size, number of files). You might want to make yourself a cup of tea or coffee.

    click to enlarge

  9. Once the scan has completed, a little pop-up window will notify you. Click OK.

  10. Now look at the Objects detected section. There it is. Click the Show Results button.

    click to enlarge

  11. While your screen may not look identical to the screenshot below, make sure that every item Malwarebytes detected is selected (ie. has a check-mark in the box next to it).

  12. Now click the Remove Selected button.

More @ Ross McKillop (How to Remove the FBI Malware/Virus From Your PC)

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