Friday, March 30, 2012

The Magic of Doing One Thing at a Time

Why is it that between 25% and 50% of people report feeling overwhelmed or burned out at work?

It's not just the number of hours we're working, but also the fact that we spend too many continuous hours juggling too many things at the same time.

What we've lost, above all, are stopping points, finish lines and boundaries. Technology has blurred them beyond recognition. Wherever we go, our work follows us, on our digital devices, ever insistent and intrusive. It's like an itch we can't resist scratching, even though scratching invariably makes it worse.

If you're a manager, here are three policies worth promoting:

1. Maintain meeting discipline.

2. Stop demanding or expecting instant responsiveness at every moment of the day. 

3. Encourage renewal.

It's also up to individuals to set their own boundaries. Consider these three behaviors for yourself:

1. Do the most important thing first in the morning

2. Establish regular, scheduled times to think more long term, creatively, or strategically.

3. Take real and regular vacations.

More @ Tony Schwartz

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